Natural Ways to Eliminate Fungus and Mould From Your Home

Mold near a window in the house. The condensation on the window

Fungus and mould may cause harm in your home. It is common for the walls, clothes, food and the utensils. Not only it is unpleasant at looking, but it also invites the bugs and the insects. Besides, the musty air and the odor affects the air quality of the indoor. You will need professional apartment cleaning services to get rid of these issues.

Here, we will mention the home remedies to get rid of mould and fungus naturally. Without further ado, let’s begin.


Sunlight acts as the natural disinfectant. It helps to dry out the damp lines, mattresses and the laundry. Put your shoes, books, laundry in a sunny spot to eliminate the dampness from the things.


Vinegar is very effective to kill the bacteria. You can simply pour the vinegar on a spray bottle. After pouring, spray it on the moldy surface. Let it be for 1 hour, until it is absorbed by the mould. After that, scrub it off with a brush and hot water.

For clothes- Soak the clothes in a bucket of water and add vinegar of it. You can also add vinegar in your clothes. It will help to eliminate musty smell from the clothes and water.

Baking Soda

Use vinegar with baking soda to improve the effectiveness. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 cups of hot water and apply it directly on the mould. Leave it for an hour and scrub it with a brush. Give one final spray of vinegar. It will disinfect and prevent the regrowth of the bacteria. Let it be for wipe dry.


Having acid in lemon juice makes it natural bleaching agent. It works as mould repellant. To clean the tiles and floors, you need to wash the area with hot water. Apply the lemon juice, before scrubbing it with a brush. Soak clothes in ½ cup of juice, and wash it with regular detergent.

A mixture of lemon juice, baking soda and vinegar will help to clean the mouldy appliances like ovens, blenders and from coffee machines. Instead doing it yourself, you can call apartment cleaning services.


It works as natural pest repellent. You can make pouches including camphor tablets and some cloves. You can place the pouches on the wardrobe, shoe racks. In addition, camphor fumes will help to form a rust preventive coating, followed by making it effective to prevent the damage for the tools and metal wares.

Want apartment cleaning services? Call us today

At King’s Green Cleaning Services, expert professionals are there to clean your apartment. Book your schedule now. For more information, visit our website.


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